Many people suffer serious financial problems resulting in mounting debts that are overwhelming and stressful. Often financial problems result from unforeseen circumstances beyond a person’s control, such as losing employment, becoming ill, losing a spouse, etc.
Individuals seeking bankruptcy relief do so reluctantly, having feelings of guilt and shame for their financial woes. Stephanie Sousa helps to put her clients at ease by informing them of the law and process and letting them know they are not alone.
With over 20 years experience representing clients who seek Chapter 7 and / or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filings, Stephanie Sousa can help you attain the debt relief you need for a fresh financial start.

Attorney Sousa’s Bankruptcy practice includes the following:
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petitions (discharge of all your debts)
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Petitions (pay back a percentage of your overall debts in accordance with an approved plan not to exceed 5 years)

Please call me at 508-238-2100 or 508-930-0111 to discuss any Massachusetts legal issue(s) in the area(s) of Divorce, Family Law, Bankruptcy, Criminal Defense, or Divorce Mediation.
Stephanie Sousa, Attorney at Law
859 Washington Street, South Easton, MA 02375
508-238-2100 or 508-930-0111
Stephanie Sousa, Attorney at Law
Material presented on the Stephanie A. Sousa, Attorney at Law website is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice and should not be construed as such. Any unauthorized use of material contained herein is at the user’s own risk. Transmission of the information and material herein is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an agreement to create an attorney-client relationship with Stephanie A. Sousa, Attorney at Law, or any member thereof. Attorney Sousa is a debt relief agency, helping people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.